Psilocybin Mushrooms as a treatment for Depression, Anxiety, PTSD and Addiction
Future News Report
Psychadelic Mushrooms Rescheduled to Schedule IV
Terry McKay
April 19th, 2027
After almost a decade since the Federal Drug Administration cleared Psilocybin, the active component in Psychadelic Mushrooms for medical testing, and the decade of overwhelming research that followed it, President Yang has rescheduled Psilocybin to a Schedule IV drug, taking it from the Schedule I position it used to occupy.
Schedule I, the position it used to occupy in the United States Federal Government's system of classifying drugs, meant that the drug proved to have no medicinal value and was incredibly succeptible to addiction. After almost a decade of research, this has been proven to be false on both fronts, with no evidence arrising of it having addictive potential and a myriad of medicinal uses being discovered.
Psychadlic Mushrooms, being reclassified to Schedule IV means that they have a low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence. This puts them at the same level of control as Xanax, Ambien and Valium.
Due to this change in Scheduling, doctors can now start offering patients with treatment resistant depression psilocybin assisted therapy as an alternative treatment. Psiloycbin assisted therapy is not just perscribing a patient psychadelic mushrooms to use at their leisure, but it is using the mind expanding and mind healing properties scientific studies have found to assist in therapeutic treatment. Many psychiatrists have described it as letting the mushrooms do the therapy while the psychiatrist is there to assist them through their journey.